Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Bierbrouwerij Emelisse - Emelisse Rauchbier

Bierbrouwerij Emelisse - Emelisse Rauchbier

Emelisse Rauchbier from Bierbrouwerij Emelisse out of Kamperland, Netherlands is a 6.5% ABV smoked beer.

Pours a dark caramel brown with 1 to 1.5 fingers light yellowish-white head.  The head fades slowly with good retention and decent lacing.  A decent amount of floating yeast sediment can be seen through the glass.

The aroma of this rauchbier is mainly big smoke, wood, and ash.  There are also some light caramel and whiskey notes along with subtle yeast.

Emelisse Rauchbier tastes of a good amount of smoke with some nuttiness and slight sweetness.  Maybe a little bacony flavor from the smokiness.  Subtle dark fruit notes here and there.  Light body with a light dry finish.

A good representation of the rauchbier style, Emelisse Rauchbier is worth checking out if you enjoy smoky beers.  The smoke is well balanced and not overpowering.

Score: 3.5/5 (Untappd Caps)

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