Maine Beer Company - King Titus Porter
King Titus is a 7.5% American Porter brewed by Maine Beer Company out of Portland, Maine. This particular bottle was bottled on 12/30/2012, so it's a bit over 5 months old. Maine Beer Company is a small brewery that currently only distributes to the East Coast from Maine down to Virginia.
This porter pours jet black with a good 4 finger fluffy tan brown head that fades moderately. The head leaves good retention. Very nice lacing is left when the head fades away and also during drinking the beer.
King Titus smells of roast, coffee, and dark/milk chocolates with a hint of caramel. Great aromas that will leave you sniffing for more aroma notes.
The initial sip of King Titus is pretty sweet with a somewhat tart taste that settles down after a few more sips. Bitter roast and toasty with a thick, creamy medium body. Dark chocolate and coffee with a moderate amount of malt. There are some hops lingering around but since this bottle was about months old, they may have faded and settled down a bit.
King Titus is another solid brew and a nice porter from Maine Beer Company. I have yet to have a beer from Maine Beer Company that I didn't enjoy so definitely give them a try if you come across their brews!
Score: 4/5 (Untappd Caps)
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